“A city girl who met a blue collar small town boy. They fell in love, got married sold their house and forty acres to live full time on the road in their RV they love to call ‘Our Tiny Mansion on Wheels’. Seven years later Dan and Emily are still loving this nomadic lifestyle.”

That is the short story. Dan has been living in a RV for work nine to ten months out of a year for roughly thirteen years before making switch to full time in 2018. There came a point early in our marriage where we had to make some decisions. We hated being away from one another but also couldn’t stand the idea of both of us being away from a house and land we were paying on for ninety percent of the year. So we decided to sell and start our family on the road. Emily homeschools our two children, Anna and Will, while also running the day to day activities at the camper. Dan works outside of the home to provide our daily income and needs for our little family.